Hard Sci-Fi

A collection of 13 posts
Celebrating the National Dog Days of Summer - Links: 27/08
Arthur C Clarke Award

Celebrating the National Dog Days of Summer - Links: 27/08

Big news this week: An Earth-like planet was spotted [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/aug/24/earth-like-planet-found-orbiting-our-suns-nearest-star-raises-hopes-for-life-proxima-b?CMP=share_btn_tw] in our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, raising hopes of glowing aliens [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/08/planet-proxima-centauri-life-glowing-corals-radiation-space-science/] . Sci-fi author Stephen Baxter speculated on the prospect on
2 min read